Arthritis and osteoarthritis – a disease affecting the completion of the joints. They are the cause of painful sensations during movement, significantly reduce the quality of life. Arthritis and osteoarthritis what is the difference? To understand, than they differ arthritis from arthritis is necessary to know the common traits, characteristics of the flow and the risk factors for each disease.

What happens when arthritis?
When this disease developed inflammatory process affects the whole organism. The causes of the disease may be an infection (infectious), trauma (traumatic), autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid).
Arthritis in the body present all the symptoms of inflammation:
- Increase in body temperature, fever;
- The increase in total protein in the blood, immunoglobulins, C-reactive protein;
- May accompany other inflammatory process is not revealed previously.
What happens in osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis – a disease caused by cartilage degradation. The inflammatory process in this localized only in the cavity of the joint, is a consequence of the deformation of the completion of the joints. Due to the increased load on the connection, due to advanced age, after the injury may occur deformation of the bone parts, creating friction between the surfaces of finished joints. The result is a thinning and deformation of the cartilage.

In this disease, the body no obvious signs of inflammation:
- The increase in the local temperature (only in the area of the affected joint);
- Biochemical and complete blood count normal;
- Arises during the deformation of the cartilage, is not accompanied by other inflammation.
The similarities and differences of the disease.
Both diseases have both similarities and differences. The main similarity of the arthritis and arthrosis – these are the symptoms:
- Crunching, creaking when moving;
- Pain;
- Restrictions on mobility;
- Swelling, redness in the area affected the completion of the joints.
However, the difference between arthritis and articular arthrosis suffer from more pronounced than the similarities.
- Age. Osteoarthritis – a disease striking older people older age. This is due to the age degradation of the cartilage of the joints. Arthritis most often affects young people, is the result of a protracted infectious infection, inflammation in the body.
- The localization process. Osteoarthritis develops only in the joint action of risk factors (age, frequent overload, overweight, etc.). Arthritis affects the entire body and can cause an increase in internal body temperature, fever.
- Feelings of pain. When osteoarthritis pain in the limbs, arises when the movements, acquires a permanent character in the development of the disease. Arthritis occurs in acute, constant pain.
- Deformation of the joint. In osteoarthritis the bone components of the connection subjected to deformation due to degradation of the cartilage. Arthritis is not the cause of changes in the joint surfaces of the bones.
- Loss of motor function of the completion of the joints. The development of arthrosis leads to the limitation of the operation gradually. Arthritis limits the movement only in the acute period of the disease.
The difference in the causes of arthritis and arthrosis, a common causes.
To better understand what is the difference between these two diseases – arthritis and joint arthrosis suffer – it is necessary to know their causes.
Causes of arthritis more often become:
- Infection (viral, bacterial, fungal);
- Allergies, autoimmune diseases.
The basic assumptions of development of arthrosis:
- Overload of the joint (type of activity, overweight);
- Age degradation of the cartilage.
In addition, there are several common reasons for both diseases:
- Injury;
- Violation of the metabolic processes in the body;
- Insufficient supply of vitamins and minerals;
- Congenital pathology of bone and cartilage.
The difference in the symptoms of the disease.
The symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis are different depending on the nature, extent of severity, time of occurrence.
Symptoms |
Arthritis |
Osteoarthritis |
1. An increase in temperature | Body temperature increased to 38-39C | Maybe it's the local increase in temperature in the area of the affected joint |
2. Swelling | The soft tissue around the connection to become swollen immediately | Swelling appear on the 3 stages of the disease |
3. Stiffness in the morning | Arises throughout the body | Arises only the affected connection |
4. Loss of motor function | Only during the acute phase of the disease | Develops gradually, which leads to the stiffness (complete lack of movement in the joint) |
5. Changing the shape of the joint | Not gonna happen | Going on |
6. The nature of the pain | Strong, permanent, is amplified at night | Pulling, boring, arises when the movements of the, stronger in the morning. |
Due to the similarity of symptoms, it is necessary in the differential diagnosis.
Diagnosis of the disease.
Correct and early diagnosis helps to distinguish arthritis from osteoarthritis, and assign the correct treatment. The main methods of diagnosis in diseases of the joints remain the same:
- Radiography;
- Ultrasound examination of the connection;
- Common, biochemical analysis of blood;
- Arthroscopy.
Disease |
Diagnosis |
X-ray |
Analysis of blood |
Arthroscopy |
Osteoarthritis |
Reduction of the joint space, the unevenness of the cartilage. In the intra-articular fluid are the presence of foreign inclusion. | The change of the anatomical shape of the joint, the availability of osteophytes (bony growths), cartilage fabric of fine bubbles. Inside the joint space narrowed. | The lack of signs of inflammation – the main difference from osteoarthritis arthritis. | Osteophytes, cartilage degradation, reduction of the gap between the bone structures of the connection. |
Arthritis |
Sinovialnye shell of cartilage, not equal to, the presence of inflammatory exudates in the joint cavity (pus). | Slight osteoporosis, softening of the bones. | C-reactive protein, elevated levels of alpha-, beta-globulins, the emergence of immunoglobulins in the blood, increased ESR. Increases the content of uric acid, in some cases, it is observed anemia (decreased hemoglobin level). | The formation of abrasions on the cartilage and bone tissue, protrusion of the synovium into the cavity of the joint. |
Features of treatment of arthritis and arthrosis.
Treatment of arthritis and arthrosis is a little different, it's in:
- The withdrawal of the pain syndrome and inflammation.
- The maintenance of the cartilage connection.
- Restoration of motor function of the joint.
- The prevention of a relapse (recurrence).
The only difference is in the treatment of arthritis – it is the indication of antibiotics, antiviral and anti-fungal remedies that are not prescribed in osteoarthritis. Doctors usually administered penicillins, cephalosporins and aminoglycosides.

During exacerbations of the disease treatment is necessary in the conditions of the hospital).For removing the pain and inflammation of the appointed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (diclofenac, indomethacin). Prescribed ointments on the basis of these drugs (Fastum gel, voltaren, deep relief). In the absence of results of treatment of NSAIDS can replace corticosteroid injections in a capsule connection.
Support the cartilage of joints help to preparations of hyaluronic acid, hondroetina – hondroprotektory. They stop the degradation of the tissues of the joint, triggered by processes of regeneration. Courses their income last from 1 to 10 months, depending on the stage of the disease.
The absence of the results of conservative treatment and therapy can be the reason for the determination of the operation. The most commonly spends re arthroscopy, during which from the cavity of the joint is removed the inflammatory exudate, pieces of cartilage, blood clots. In the last stages of the deformation of joints shall be carried out refund (replacement of the joint for the artificial), osteotomy (excision, deformation of bone structures).

In addition, doctors prescribe the courses of physiotherapy and therapeutic physical training.
- Laser, magnetic, ultrasound therapy;
- Electrophoresis;
- Massage;
- Therapeutic baths (mud, salt);
- Reflexology (acupuncture).
Therapeutic exercise is carried out exclusively in the conditions of the treatment facility, under the supervision of a doctor-physiotherapist. Controls the degree of load on the joints, the correctness of the execution of the exercises.
Prevention of arthritis and arthrosis.
Secure the joints can be observe a few simple rules:
- Load connections should be mild. Being overweight, frequent exercise with heavy dumbbells form a dangerous connection overload. In addition, the likelihood of injury increases many times.
- Proper, balanced diet. Daily diet should contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. When inadequate nutrition need to take nutritional supplements, vitamin-mineral complexes.
- Women worth it to give up frequent, long-term wear high-heeled boots. Every inch heel increases the load on the spine, to 10 kg, on his knees, on the 20th.
- Protection of the joints from hypothermia. Arthritis, unlike osteoarthritis, occurs due to infection, low temperatures contribute to its spread in the body.
Arthritis and osteoarthritis can become a serious problem in the life of an active person, regardless of age. Pain and stiffness in the extremities significantly reduce quality of life, they become the cause of loss of functioning, disability. It is important to understand what is the difference of the disease, in time to turn to expert – will be the differential diagnosis, he says, than to treat arthritis and arthritis.