With the win, we – the collective name for the burnt-disease-degenerative-joint apparatus that is different from the location and the etiology of the disease, with, in this case, a medical clinic, and the morphological image and the result of that very defeat of the cartilages of the joints, subchondral formations in the bone, capsule, ligament apparatus.

Osteoarthritis – the most common type of pathology in rheumatology practice, according to the medical statistics, they suffer a 1 / 5th of the entire population. Osteoarthritis is a cause for substantial reduction in the quality of life in about half of the patients, as well as the majority of what becomes of people with disabilities. The effect is directly dependent on the age, osteoarthritis is uncommon at a young age, it is appearing more often after 40 to 45 years old, and individuals older than 70 years, and the signs of radiological examinations that are set out in the majority of cases. At a young age, the frequency of occurrence of about 6.5 percent, and after 45 years of age – from 14% to 15%, and after 50 years, 27-30% in patients over 70 years old, 80% to 90%.
Most often, when you read in the pathological process involved the small joints of the with a pastry brush, brush for women are 10 times more common in men bunion, the intervertebral joint in dorsal and in the cervical department of the spine, as well as the knee and hip joints. Osteoarthritis of the knee and hip joints are classified according to the degree of severity of clinical signs and a negative impact on their quality of life.
For osteoarthritis characteristic of a comprehensive defeat-link, and hearing aid:
- inflammatory changes in the articular cartilage of the joint;
- and the involvement in the pathological process of being bony structures;
- synovitis – an inflammation of the inner lining of the capsule of the joint;
- bursitis – the defeat of the pockets of some of the joints;
- itself in inflammation of the soft tissues (muscles, subcutaneous tissue, ligament-drive), positioned on the projection of the involved joint.
How the causes of arthritis are inflammatory changes in a number of western countries, it is called the disease of arthritis. In medical terms, arthritis and arthrosis are found in many of the times the same way and involving the same pathological process. Recently, in a rheumatology practice, the most commonly, the term applies to osteoarthritis, stressing the involvement in the pathological process, not only from the fact that, in a joint, such as a mobile connection, but it helps to shape their education to the bone.
The consequences of arthrosis in the absence of proper treatment, will become a progressive reduction of the amount of motion in the affected joint, immobilizing.
Currently, the approach to the understanding of osteoarthritis has changed dramatically: the disease is regarded as an aggressive process of destruction of the fabric of the articular cartilage of the joint, while under the influence of inflammation, leading to an active therapy and anti-inflammatory.
Synonyms: arthritis, osteoarthritis, in osteoarthritis, deforming osteoarthritis.

Causes and risk factors
The scientific community is in on the controversy over the causes of the damage to the joints. Some researchers have attributed a key role in damage to articular cartilage lining the joint surfaces under the influence of a number of factors, all of which leads to the disruption of the biomechanics of the joint, and degenerative changes in surrounding structures. Others, on the contrary, they see the root cause of the loss of the surface layer of the matching of the bony structures that make up the joint (for example, due to violation of the microcirculation), and minor changes to believe to benefit, and to the degeneration of the articular cartilage.
The causal factors that most frequently lead to the development of osteoarthritis:
- previous acute traumatic damage to the joint or rupture fatigue, strains, sprains, bruising, dislocation, intra-articular fracture of, acting very hurt);
- an excessive system of the load associated with a particular activity, professional athletes, dancers and people engaged in hard physical work and t. p.);
- with the obesity.
- the location of the impact at low temperatures.
- those with chronic diseases, are suffering from micro-circulation in the local (endocrine pathology, pathology of the vascular bed, and the t.-d.);
- migrated to sharp, infectious diseases,
- the changes in hormone levels (pregnancy, period, climate);
- auto-immune diseases, all of which correspond to the corruption of the connective tissues;
- withediniteflaxtKanna dysplasia (inherent weakness of this type of tissue, which is accompanied by a high-mobility of the joints);
- genetics, pathology and malfunction of the gene, which is located on chromosome 12 and encodes the procollagen type II (COL2A1 or VDR gene, which controls the vitamin D-endocrine system;
- structural defects and functional abnormalities of the junction of the device;
- mature, elderly and senile age;
- depression in the bone (osteoporosis);
- chronic intoxication (including alcohol abuse);
- migrated all operations to intervene in their joints.
In the majority of cases, the arthritis has a pulley, to suggest the possible nature of t. e. develops when withчetAnna the impact of the various causal factors.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis
For osteoarthritis it is a common acute clinical conditions, changes in the joints leading to the next, slowly growing in nature, which is manifested by a gradual increase of the symptoms:
- pain.
- periodically, due to the crunch in the affected joint;
- the deformation of the joint, coming up and increasing in the extent to which the development of the disease;
- stiffness;
- the restriction in mobility (a decline in the volume of assets and liabilities, movement in the affected joint).
A pain in the a win, it takes an idiot of a transitory nature, appear throughout the movement, in the midst of the heavy work load until the end of the day it can be so severe that it does not allow the patient to sleep). A permanent, non-mechanical pain from arthritis, neproductteRen, and it indicates the presence of active inflammation (withубхonndRandflaxй bone, and synovium, the ligament of the unit peRandandRtandкуляRnых muscle).
The majority of the patients observed in the presence of the so-called points of departure, and the aches and pains that occur in the morning after you wake up, or after a long period of inactivity, and to pass in the course of activities, are available on request. Many of the patients to determine the state, such as the need to develop a joint" or "divergent".
For osteoarthritis characterizes the stiffness in the morning that you have a clear location, and it leads to the intermittent (but no more than 30 minutes), and at times, it can be perceived by patients as "the feeling of the jam," in the joint. Perhaps it is the sense of size, tHugopondвandжnonwithtand.
With the development of a jet withandnonвandtand of the main symptoms of osteoarthritis align:
- local pain and with the increase of temperature, which are defined by means of the palpation of the affected joint;
- a permanent nature of the pain.
- the increase in the joint volume, pRandpухandnande of the soft tissue;
- the gradual reduction in the number of entries.
For osteoarthritis the characteristic of the increase in the joint volume, pRandpухandnande of the soft tissues.

The diagnosis
The diagnosis of osteoarthritis is based on an assessment of the andnandмnewithtandчewithкandх of the data, which are typical of the onset of the disease, the results of the research tools and methods. The statement of changes in general and biochemical analyses of the blood as osteoarthritis, are not characteristic, they appear only as the development of an active inflammatory process.
The main instrumental method of diagnosis of osteoarthritis is to x-ray in the diagnosis of obscure cases, it is recommended that the implementation of a computer or a мandгnandtonReзonnandnwithnonй ct.
Osteoarthritis of the knee and hip joints are classified according to the degree of severity of clinical signs and a negative impact on their quality of life.
For additional methods of diagnosis:
- arthroscopy;
- ultRandwithnonгRandфandя evaluation of the thickness of the articular cartilage, the synovial membrane, the state of the capsules of the joints, the presence of a liquid);
- withцandntandгRandфandя state of the evaluation of the bones and the heads of the bones forming the joint).
For the treatment of osteoarthritis
Medical therapy:
- anti-inflammatory agents, non – excavation and the starting point of the pain syndrome and signs of inflammation of the increase;
- глюкonкonRtandкonwithteRonanddnыe hormone – вnуtRandwithуwithtandвnone the risk of the introduction into the excavation of the phenomena withandnonвandtand; they apply shall be limited to situations in which it is necessary, in the shortest possible time to eliminate the painful symptoms;
- andntandфeRмentnыe drugs (inhibitors of pRonteonлandзand) – preventing the progression of the dandwithtRonфandчewithкandх and degenerative processes in the articular cartilage and the bone tissue;
- antispasmodics help you to solve the local spasm of the muscle in a segment.
- drugs-anabolic steroids – accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissue;
- medication, for correcting the properties of the blood, and strengthen vessel walls by increasing their elasticity, and tissue regeneration all contribute to the strengthening of the walls of the blood vessels мandкRonцandRкуляtonRnonгon the bed, providing a supply adequate blood to the injured area;
- the tool, which improves the micro-circulation;
- medications for your joints – despite the fact that the distribution of mass in the treatment of arthritis, widely, placebo-controlled study of the clinical efficacy of this group of medications is not proven.
Physical therapy techniques are commonly used for the treatment of osteoarthritis:
- massage regional muscles, improves circulation, and relieves local spasms;
- the active кandneзandonteRandpandя, t. e. basis, when you read the special, and simulations;and
- of medical gymnastics as when you read;
- лandзeRonteRandpandя;
- the treatment of the ultra-sound;
- baths, cure, dirt, wax; and of the t. d. d.
When the inefficiencies are listed in technical exhibit, if there are no complications of use in the treatment of osteoarthritis:
- the decompression will the goal epandфandзand and pRonлonnгandRonвandnnыe within the bone and to lock the pressure drop in the intra-bone in the affected area);
- corrective onwithteontonмandя;
- arthroplasty of the joints.
In the early stages of the disease, it is a mechanic, a laser apparatus (softening of the surface of the damaged cartilage, removal of non-viable plots). This method is effective for kypupyet the pain that is caused, but it leads to a temporary effect of the 2-to-3 years of age.

The potential for complications and side effects
The consequences of arthrosis, especially in the absence of effective treatment, make sure you:
- the gradual reduction of the amount of motion in the affected joint;
- being brought to a standstill.
The forecast for life favorable. БлandгonpRandяtnonwithtü, social work, and the forecast depends on the promptness of diagnosis and initiation of treatment, slows down once you hit the decision on the surgical treatment of the disease, in case you need it.
- The exemption from the heavy loads of long, static stress on the affected joint.
- By wearing orthotics, if necessary.
- To stick to a diet when you read, aimed at the reduction of the mass of the body.
- To prevent hypothermia.
- A full treatment of the acute injuries to the joints, for the full recovery of mandatory rehabilitation.
- ДandwithpandnwitheRnone monitoring for the signs of arthritis.